EFREN REYES vs TONY CHOHAN - 2023 Derby City Classic One Pocket Division
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Efren Reyes vs Tony Chohan at the 2023 Derby City Classic One Pocket Division.
Tony “T-Rex” Chohan is one of the best one pocket players in the game today. He is the favorite at any one pocket event in the world, but had yet to win a Derby City Classic One Pocket title.
Efren “The Magician” Reyes has six Derby City Classic One Pocket titles to his credit, along with every other accomplishment possible in the game. He is widely accepted as the Greatest Of All Time.
Neither player had a re-buy, so the winner of this match would play in the finals. This is one race to three, alternating break.
Jeremy Jones and special guest Scott Frost provided the commentary.
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Jeremy Jones and Scott Frost comment on Reyes and Chohan playing 1P. It can't get any better than this!
Probably the best game commentary I've heard.
Thank you very much for giving Efren his flowers wile he's still here .
I've always thought that the best commentary duo in pool history was Billy and Danny but Jeremy and Scott are working there way up the list they are both pretty good together
JJ and Scott are WAY better. Much more knowledgeable IMO
The greatest pool billiards of all time...Efren 'bata' Reyes...
Efren = GOATITW (Greatest Of All Time In The World)
Favorite game is balkline.
I’ve been wondering why the commentators keep saying “packet” (with a “å”) instead of “pocket”. Which one is correct???? Packet or Pocket? Help please!!! Thank you
EFREN REYES, "Retirement":
90% Will Have To Do ....
"Have Cue, Will Travel." 👑
Really like Scott's commentating with the match
Love the introduction to the GOAT..
Would you guys ever consider adding a padding video at the end of shorter matches so the result isn't spoiled by the video length? It's something I've seen done before and I definitely think it would increase user engagement and watch time.
Great idea!!!!! Please do this on every match
Yup, been saying this for yeeeears.
I try ssooooooo hard to watch at least the last half of a match without messing with anything so that I can't be sure how much time is left. That would be a great addition👍
Good lord
I would appreciate this too
Ken Shuman's introduction to the GOAT Efren Reyes was good enough for me💯💯
@@erlindaortega9614❤❤ 33:41
Jeremy Jones and Scott Frost make a fantastic comms team
Very nice introduction to our beloved co filipino Mr. Emcee.
Its crazy how in sync they were from 5:00 to 5:05.
JJ has been a great commentator for years of course. While Scott and "my horse" or people on "my team" have clashed with Scott a couple of times over the years (who hasn't), there is no doubt that Scott's commentary has become as good (arguably better) than JJs also. And that's really saying something. For my money? These are perhaps the BEST two 1P commentators of their generation. Aside from how incredibly knowledgeable and accurate both of these guys ... perhaps the thing that makes their commentary most enjoyable is that both of them speak with the utmost of humility ... despite how good they both are. I'm not saying I believe Scott's humble ... but if all you had were his commentary from which to judge..? What else could you conclude..? He's always modest, never dogmatic. Stylistically..? I don't know if he's had coaching or figured this out on his own; but whatever the case ... it's EXCELLENT. And I trust you can tell I'm a critical person who'd either say nothing or even would call out that which I didn't like if I thought there was anything to mention. Massive credit to him ... because if you listen to his commentary for TAR during the 2011 US Open of 1P (Deuel vs Efren and others) he wasn't as modest // humble ... and those matches are absolutely available on YT). As those of us who have any skill at pool know ... it's hard to improve at anything without working at it, and my guess is Scott put the effort into his commentary.
Obviously we're all fans of Tony's game, also. Incredible offense. Puts you to a test early. Great mover and even better banker. What I am shocked by though..? A big guy with smaller arms embraced the nickname "T-Rex" (evidenced by the shirt he's wearing). 🙂
I would love the opportunity to meet Efren. 😊😊
Wish we could turn back the clock for Efren like he’s in his 30s or 40s again when he plays against the current generation’s good players
An excellent match!
Please make a documentary to the great BATA
What Scott mentioned about the DCC scheduling is no joke. They'll schedule you to where you never get a chance to have more than 5-6 hours to rest ... and if you get in money games (which it is the MECCA of action ... to be played and watched) ... and with me? They rescheduled my match the one time I thought I had 6 or 7 hours to get some sleep ... when I hope up I found out that they'd already forfeited me. Of course, they said if my opponent was "willing to play it" we could ... but he apparently went to the DCC in the hopes _of not playing._ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idol efren 🖐️
Tony has alot of great attributes for pool that are well ahead of most players. Efren was a little tired and dragging a bit. Plus Tony's still in his prime 27 years younger and had alot of energy to finish the tournament. At 68 years of age Efren is still way better than most guys ten years younger . Django's still pretty great at 60 though. Efren might be the best player at 68 years old that ever played though. It'll be interesting watching Alex when he's a little older and his motor in his smaller frame. He does'nt have to carry alot of weight around and he looks like he has alot of stamina. Dennis needed a reset too . He might make some adjustments to his gameplan and bounce back strong when he returns from his imposed hiatus.
Nice intro!👍
Efren is not "windmilling" his shoulder because it hurts too much to do that.
That was cool. Great commenting team.
Remember about 8 months ago after watching Tony on youtube after first hearing about him, i then same day go to play at Hardtimes Billiards in Sacramento, and hes the first face i see playing with the owner as you may know Oscar Domingquez. Some great times man!
efren the GOAT
So this is my introduction to one pocket. Halfway thru and I still have no clue what the rules, goals, or significance of anything is in this game. It's like snooker all over again!
Good job Ken Shuman
I hope Efren shows up for 2024 DCC.
33:39 foul called but no foul? he hit the 4 with the cue
Yeah you're right
I had to replay it twice 😊 thanks
I'm so confused by the whole exchange. Jeremy Jones says "no I think he was just asking which ball you hit" while Kenny is literally spotting the ball from the foul. So that commentary confused me. but there is sometimes a rule in play that if you're shooting over a ball and move the ball you're shooting over with your cue then that counts as a foul even if you've only moved one ball. the other thing could be that he moved the 4 and the 8 ball when he touched the 4 with his cue, which would be moving two balls and would be a foul. Thirdly, they could be playing all ball fouls, I don't know the ruleset.
All ball fouls is the only rule set that makes sense in a professional setting.
Looks like this was a bad call to me. I watched this on replay a couple dozen times and I don't actually see the 4 ball move at all. What I think caused Kenny to call the foul was the reflection of Tony's cue on the top of the 4 ball. If you are just looking at one specific point on the 4 ball, for example like the edge closest to the 1 ball, you won't see it move at all. However, if the specific point that you're looking at happens to be the top of the ball where the reflections are, then it would look as if there's movement even though that's not really the case.
@@EtanMS22 well it’s not when he shoots the cue ball is right before he shoots, as he’s pulling back the ferrel on his cue grazes the 4 and causes it to move backwards towards him towards the 1 ball just ever so slightly, I’ve zoomed in and watched it.. many times. It’s not on the impact of the cue ball but the pull back stroke to start
If you realized Efren covered all possible branding from his Predator sports cue even putting a tap over the shaft he was using.
he uses preadtor?
@@shadmonk yea, lately on some videos you can see he plays without the purple/blue wrap. That is either a predator sport1/2 without wrap..
@@raversinternational what shaft?
If anyone’s interested he plays (played) with a BK2 butt will a Z shaft.
Why is that
WHY is the S and the B on the scoreboard opposite?? Chohan goes BS and Effin goes SB
Can't wait to see that Pinegar final. So cool that Tony took it home finally.
Some commenters said that this is boring?boring and so why you're watching? lol
If these commentators were any good , they would be playing. This is a sport that should be played in silence. I mean really how do feel you have the right to question either of these players moves?
Sorry, but "if they were any good" shows how little you know about one-pocket.
You know the players can’t hear the commentators right?
why was there a foul on 33:35
Tony hits the 4 ball very slightly, but hits it. Watch closely.
@@johnwalkup7649 Where do you see this movement? I've watched it plenty of times and have never seen the 4 move. The closest thing to movement that I saw we just when looking at the top of the 4 ball because of the reflections moving with Tony's cue.
@@EtanMS22 I'm sure this hasn't been keeping you awake at night for the past 3 months, but I'll comment anyway lol. It's easier to see the 4-ball move if you focus on the white circle that the number 4 is printed inside; on the left side of the 4-ball. You'll see it rock to the right as he back-strokes, and then the ball settles back by itself.
I see it , now the penny should hadn’t been up since the 7 was paid for fouling on the 4
@@EtanMS22 A comment to remind you to watch again hahaha
Worst refereeing I have ever seen. Beginning of 2nd game, Chohan made the first ball, the 7, but got hooked in the stack with no shot. So he thins the 15 and pushes the cue ball to the rail. Kenny immediately comes over, questions why the 15 moved, called it a foul, and spotted the 7, clearly cheating Chohan of his shot. Tony's score clearly went from +1 to 0. Then a little further into the game, Chohan makes 4 balls and the other ref comes over, acting like Tony still owed a ball from earlier in the game and spotted another ball giving Tony only +3. Total BS. Tony was shocked but kept his cool. But the 2 referees, total clowns!!
He called a foul because Tony hit the 4 ball with his cue
1:35 was a close call
why do they keep looking and reaching into the ball return during the game? Ignorant people want to know! :)
walter white in the background
Me gusta el pool pero este juego es el más feo de todos.
Done support tul rb
Can't believe what i just watch
That s my cousin Efren❤
I’m so confused on what the rules are to this game lol
Pretty simple. At the end of the table with the stack one player is assigned one corner pocket and his opponent the other. A player scores one point for every ball pocketed in his pocket, with 8 points winning. Any foul is a loss of one point.
@@richmartin1427 so it’s one corner tho. Cuz I saw them make them in different ones or do u claim ur corner once u hit one in? And is it only on the one side or can it be either side of the table
@@sntmichael corner is determined before the break shot. The guy breaking will be shooting toward his pocket and the other guy will have the other pocket. And it’s only the plackets behind the stack…hence the name one-pocket. But the pockets will change rack to tack, So if Efren had the right pocket one rack, Tony may have it the next.
@@sntmichael the two corner pockets are the ones that count. If a player makes a ball in any other pocket (for strategic reasons), it's loss of turn, the ball gets spotted, and no point is won. Unless of course a player makes a ball in the opponent's corner pocket, in which case the player loses turn and opponent gets a point.
Bkit wla nag aayos ng bola
The derby could use faster cloth for the one pocket. The nine ball could keep the thick stuff for the hard breaks.
Chohan The Man with the "flex like a T-Rex 😂❤ Efren got mentally and physically tired.....I think, but hey...@68 it's all good STILL
Chohan's the reason why Filler's improved in One Socket & I'm sure Bata's done the same for T-Rex🎉
I can beat 🎱 everybody! 😁
First 😂
I'm the eighth 1st
1st time 1 pocket for me. Boring. 8 ball 9 ball is the way to go.
@mrferris: With one-pocket you (and the commentators) get to try to figure out what the next shot will be, and there are _so_ many possibilities. Also, cue ball movement can be so critical (eg, shoot a long bank, then have the cue ball go three rails and end up in a 4" gap right next to the opponent's pocket). That's why I prefer watching one-pocket to rotation.
It’s boring if you dunno what’s going on.
Efren sucks!! 😖
Only because he has no teeth 😅
yes, if you understand and know this game, it's a tactical game, like a chess of pool
I used to think one pocket was boring… now it’s one of my favorites games to play
Crazy how much end rail roll off I see on a lot of these diamond tables.